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Deaf Again, by Mark Drolsbaugh
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- Sales Rank: #268272 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Handwave Publications
- Published on: 2008
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Paperback
- 185 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Emma Fitzhugh
9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Decent buy...not my type of reading style though...
By findingevey
Don't get me wrong. Drolsbaugh does a great job telling his story of being a part of the Deaf culture and the hearing world. When he felt frustrated, I felt like I was going through it too. He's able to put you in his shoes and recreate his feelings about finding his place. I thought he did a great job with that.
Maybe I'm just not big on the journal-style readings. I felt like Drolsbaugh would start on one topic and then switch over to another really quick and then jump back to his original topic. I found it difficult to follow at times when he moved around a bit. When I journal, I write whatever comes to mind. Whatever I have down is down. I felt like that was what Drolsbaugh had put together, which is great for some readers but not for me. (I have trouble reading Anne Frank's diary even.)
As a hearing person, I found many parts of Drolsbaugh's book to be very sad. I felt like his message was, "The hearing world sucks and they don't understand us - I know this because I live in both worlds." Perhaps I misunderstood Drolsbaugh. I just felt a little bit sad inside while reading his book. I don't like when one of my identities gets clumped together - not sure if that makes any sense. For example, I'm American and I don't like it when I hear comments like, "All Americans are stuck-up and like to bully the rest of the world" because it's not true. Have you MET all Americans? Same with the hearing world. I don't think it sucks living in the hearing world or the Deaf world. Hearing is one of my identities. It makes me who I am too just as much as being Deaf makes Drolsbaugh who HE is. I don't think it's fair to put down one group/population, even if that group is the dominant one. As a person of color, I don't claim that all white people are racist and want to put us down.
Anyway, now I'm just rambling. The book is a pretty good read, but I didn't like the style of writing. It jumped around a lot and it took me a while to finish. Drolsbaugh's journey is quite an amazing one and I'm glad I was able to be a part of it.
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
A heart-felt story about finding one's identity
By MaryAnne Kowalczyk (
Mark Drolsbaugh tells a fascinating true story that demonstrates how a person's minority culture can be almost obliterated with the best of intentions by those in the majority. His story demonstrates that society today still will not believe the needs of a minority group, even when they express their needs in quite understandable words (signs). The beauty of this work, however, is that it is a happy story with no animosity toward those who would have Mark be someone other than who he really is. Mark's revelations about discovering his true culture, his successes which have followed his discovery, and his fulfillment as a Deaf person could be the story of so many other Deaf individuals. This book should be a MUST read for any hearing parent whose child has been identified with a hearing loss. The professional working with children who are Deaf or hard of hearing (especially those with prelingual hearing loss) should read this. It will provide them with a valuable insight into the life of a Deaf or hard of hearing child.
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